Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homemade Bleach

It's that time of year - germs are popping up everywhere and moms everywhere are doing their best to stay one step ahead to keep their families away from the "bad" germs and keep them healthy.

Bleach becomes a very popular cleaning product of choice this time of year - here are some "pros" and "cons" of chlorine bleach and a recipe to make your own effective, safe (and great smelling) bleach.

Pros of cleaning with bleach:  kills mildew, removes soap scum, disinfects, and deodorizes.

Cons of cleaning with bleach: bleach can have a powerful smell, has potential to be harmful to your health - the fumes are toxic, and can cause respiratory problems.  Try to avoid using bleach around small kids and pets and for your own safety, use a mask and rubber gloves when cleaning with chlorine bleach.

Here is a more healthy and safe alternative to cleaning your home with chlorine bleach: 

I've been using this alternative to bleach around my house and have been very pleased with the results - my house smells great too!

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