Sunday, March 16, 2014

Many of you know that I am a HUGE fan of essential oils. My entire family now uses essential oils for a wide variety of reasons including, but not limited to: pain relief, household cleaning tasks, fighting coughs and colds, cramp relief (ok, I'm the only one using lavender for that reason!), relieving seasonal allergies, for personal and spiritual development, and finding balance and calm in our crazy, stressed lives.
One of the questions I hear the most is "how do you know what brand of oils to use?" Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a learner and I have to research everything to the nth degree before I commit. I encourage everyone to do their research as well because we all need to be spending our dollar wisely on quality products for our families.
Here are some things to think about when making an essential oil purchase: 
When essential oils are sold too cheaply, it is wise to pause and think logically.
At this price, could this really contain 100% pure essential oil? 
Read your labels! An essential oil can contain only 5% pure oil and still be labeled as all pure. Are you paying for the 95% chemical extender instead? It may not be so but it could be so. Question everything. It takes one whole peppermint plant to distill a few drops of peppermint essential oil. The essence of the plant when distilled contains more water than oil. Water is further separated from the oil, sometimes only a few drops are left. Another example is Ylang Ylang. This flower can be extracted three times for its essential oil. Are you getting the first extraction, the second or the last one (each diminishing in price value)?
How can a bottle so small be so expensive?
Here is the mathematical breakdown: 1 15ml of oil has 250 drops therefor 250 uses. Sometimes one drop is all it takes to address a headache, toothache, or a suspicious virus crawling in the throat. If you use 3 drops a day then it takes 83.33 days (or 3 month) to finish a bottle. Since OTC medicine is getting to be more expensive now, it is best to weigh both sides before making a decision.
Why did I choose Young Living brand?

Young Living owns 5 farms and personally oversees the operations from the Seed to Seal stages of each essential oil. Its specialty is research & development investing in lab equipments that can measure a wide spectrum of the chemical constituents in an oil - these are what gives the essential oils its unique medicinal benefits. To learn more about essential oils click here.

This information is for educational purpose only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.